
Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth, or commonly known as third molars, are the last teeth to erupt from your jaw and gum. Wisdom teeth are the teeth least needed for your oral health. It is common for people to have four wisdom teeth that erupt in their late teens or early twenties. The molars can be trapped in the jawbone underneath the gum since there are insufficient spaces for them to move.

Without space for them to fully erupt, wisdom teeth cause gum disease, crowding, misalignment, tooth decay, and bone destroying cysts. It will be challenging to maintain a brushing regime when the toothbrush cannot reach ridges and grooves between your teeth. Pain and swelling are the most common detection of wisdom teeth. It is essential to visit your dentist to diagnose the pain and swell for any existing or potential problems. Wisdom teeth removal will be the best decision for your overall health.

Mesial Impaction is the most common condition.

Distal Impaction is a moderate-advance extraction when the wisdom tooth is angled back towards the mouth's rear.

Vertical Impaction is when the wisdom teeth may erupt upright. The process can be painful and can damage the surrounding teeth.

Horizontal Impaction is a severe condition that requires extractions.

Reasons For Wisdom Teeth

There are reasons and factors that you should consult with your dentist to come up with the best option to eliminate the pain and irritation. Your dentist may suggest wisdom teeth removal, and that would be the best decision.

  • Inflammation and infection in the gums
  • Overcrowding and teeth impaction
  • Damages to the adjacent teeth
  • Cysts or tumors
  • Unable to maintain good oral hygiene

Wisdom Teeth FAQ’s

How Much Does It Cost To Get Wisdom Teeth Removed?

The cost of a wisdom tooth extraction varies on the complexity of the removal. It is important to keep your oral health in check to prevent future issues from reoccurring.

Will I Feel Pain During The Procedure?

Wisdom teeth can often be removed with local anesthesia to numb the surrounding area so you will not feel any pain during the extraction.

How Will I Feel After The Operation?

After the procedure, you will experience some pain and discomfort, such as welling that can last up to one week. You will most likely be prescribed pain medication to help relieve any discomfort.

Can I Drink Cold Water After Tooth Extraction?

You can drink cold beverages, but you should avoid straws. Straws create negative pressure and can affect the healing process.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction may take 1-2 days for healing, depending on the individual’s health. For a more complex and severe case, recovery may take up to one week.

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